CA Certified Applicator Training National Core – TUCSON 2/26
Mobile Training Solutions, LLC 7009 E. 21st Street, TucsonIn depth overview of the information covered in the National Core Guide, concentrating on the information needed to pass the Certified Applicator National Core Applicator exam. Class participants are given […]
CA Certified Applicator Training National Core & Industrial & Institutional – TUCSON 2/26
Mobile Training Solutions, LLC 7009 E. 21st Street, TucsonThis is an ALL DAY class covering both National Core and I&I categories. $75 off for taking both categories in the same day. Core: In depth overview of the information […]
CA Certified Applicator Training National Core & Ornamental & Turf/Right of Way – TUCSON 2/26
Mobile Training Solutions, LLC 7009 E. 21st Street, TucsonThis is an ALL DAY class covering both National Core and O&T categories. $75 off for taking both categories in the same day. Core: In depth overview of the information […]
CA Certified Applicator Training Ornamental & Turf/Right of Way – TUCSON 2/26
Mobile Training Solutions, LLC 7009 E. 21st Street, TucsonThis class prepares students for the Certified Applicator Ornamental & Turf and Right of Way Exams. A study guide is provided and filled out as we look at various weeds […]
CA Certified Applicator Training Industrial & Institutional – TUCSON 2/26
Mobile Training Solutions, LLC 7009 E. 21st Street, TucsonClass discussion and study guide for participation while we look at insect basics, label reading and some public health information that prepares students to take the Certified Applicator Industrial & […]