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Certification Training

Continuing Education

1. Certified Applicator National Core Training (4 HOURS)

In depth overview of the information covered in the National Core Guide, concentrating on the information needed to pass the Certified Applicator National Core Applicator exam. Class participants are given a study guide that they fill out during the class and take with them for review.

2. Certified Applicator Industrial & Institutional Training(4 HOURS)

Class discussion and study guide for participation while we look at insect basics, label reading and some public health information that prepares students to take the Certified Applicator Industrial & Institutional exam.

3. Certified Applicator Wood Destroying Organisms Training (4 HOURS)

An overview of Wood Destroying Organisms and their differences and how we would inspect and treat for them. In depth look at graphing and the Wood Destroying Insect Inspection Report. Student is given a study guide for review and is prepared to take the Certified Applicator Wood Destroying Organisms exam.

4. Certified Applicator Ornamental & Turf Training (4 HOURS)

This class prepares students for the Certified Applicator Ornamental & Turf Exam. A study guide is provided and filled out as we look at various weeds and methods of weed control. We will also look at ornamental insect control and some turf and ornamental diseases.

5. Certified Applicator Right of Way Training (4 HOURS)

This in depth class covers Weed ID and Control. We discuss some basic insect biology and look at beneficial as well as insect pests. This class covers ornamental diseased and even some rodent information. All in preparation to take the Certified Applicator Right of Way exam.

6. Qualified Applicator Core Training (4 HOURS)

This class is designed to take an in depth look at what is covered in the National Core Training Manual and also at Arizona Laws. This information is provided with a study guide. This completed class prepares qualified individuals to take the Qualified Applicator Core exam.

7. Qualified Applicator Industrial & Institutional Training (4 HOURS)

Information provided in this class in the form of a study guide and a discussion. We cover arthropods and their biology. Talk in depth about public health pests and cover Arizona Laws and regulations as they pertain to applicator and companies. Qualified individuals will be prepared for the Qualified Applicator Industrial & Institutional exam.

8. Qualified Applicator Wood Destroying Organisms Training (4 HOURS)

This training is a discussion about wood destroying organisms, including subterranean, dry wood and damp wood termites as well as some hymenoptera and re-infesting and non-re-infesting beetles. We look at graphs in depth and discuss both pre-treatment and post treatment methods for termites. We also look at the Wood Destroying Insect Inspection and all that is involved with it. Also covered is all the Arizona Laws and Regulations that apply only to Wood Destroying Organisms. This class prepares the qualified person to take the Qualified Applicator Wood Destroying Organisms exam.

9. Qualified Applicator Ornamental & Turf Training (4 HOURS)

In this class we learn about herbicides, plant structure and weed ID, ornamental and structural insects as well as turf insects and diseases and ornamental diseases. We also review Arizona Laws and Regulations. All in preparation to take the Qualified Applicator Ornamental & Turf exam.

10. Qualified Applicator Right of Way Training (4 HOURS)

This training looks at herbicides, plant structure and weed ID. Turf & Ornamental pests as well as diseases. We will look at structural pests and some insect biology. We touch on rodents and their control as well as the methods to control each. Arizona Laws and Regulations are reviewed and then the participant is prepared to take the Qualified Applicator Right of Way exam.

Customized Training Classes Available.

We can create custom training classes to cover specific areas. Contact us to discuss your needs.